Category Nursing Papers

Strategic Process and Analysis

Assessment 1 Instructions: Strategic Process and Analysis Please follow example and the instruction, Follow the distinguished scoring guide Complete a VRIO or Value Chain analysis, a PESTLE analysis, and a Five Forces model for an organization. (The Organization should be…

  Facebook Business Strategy Student’s Name Institutional Affiliations Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 AFI Strategic Planning Framework 4 Role of Leadership in the Strategic Planning Process 5 Internal Environment Analysis 6 External Environment Analysis 6 Recommended Course of Action…

Obstetrics Case Study Template

Obstetrics Case Study Assignment Directions: The student will read the case study and fill out the provided template. This should be filled out as if the student were writing a SOAP note. The use of proper medical terminology is expected.…

Medial knee osteoarthritis

Medial knee osteoarthritis SOAP Note Instructions Select a client from clinical experience with an acute health problem or complaint requiring at least two visits. Submit a complete H & P from the initial visit with this client and a focused…

Bacterial Vaginosis Soap Note #3 NUR 775

Bacterial Vaginosis Instructions This paper is for a SOAP Note for a female patient with Bacterial Vaginosis The rubric is attached as well as the template. Please use the template for completing the assignment. References must be no older than…

Soap Note Hypertension

Hypertension Instructions Must use the sample template for your soap note, keep this template for when you start clinicals. Late Assignment Policy Assignments turned in late will have 1 point taken off for everyday assignment is late, after 7 days…

SOAP Note 2 template

  (Student Name) Miami Regional University Date of Encounter: Preceptor/Clinical Site: Clinical Instructor: Patricio Bidart MSN, APRN, FNP-C   Soap Note # ____   Main Diagnosis ______________   PATIENT INFORMATION Name: Age: Gender at Birth: Gender Identity: Source: Allergies: Current Medications:…