Category Nursing Papers


Paget Disease of the Nipple-SOAP Note Instructions This is a soap note to be done on a female patient with a primary diagnosis of Paget Disease of the Nipple Differential diagnosis: Eczema, and psoriasis. INCLUDE ICD 10 CODE WITH DIAGNOSIS…

GYNHistory and Physical Template: cervices

GYNHistory and Physical Template   ChiefComplaint: HPI – First sentence should include age, parity, LMP and present problem (details about cc andotherrelevant information).   MenstrualHistory Menarche,duration,flowandcyclelengthofmenses,IMB(intermenstrual bleeding), or contact bleeding, dysmenorrheal, PMS,climacteric GynecologicHistory Breasthistory–historyofbreastdisease,breastfeeding,theuseofSBE(Self Breast Exam),last mammogram(if applicable)   Previousgynsurgery(caninclude…

STI, Episodic/Focused SOAP Note NRNP 6552

Case Study: Chlamydia, Trichomoniasis ,Bacterial Vaginosis Instructions Review the Learning Resources for this week, with a focus on the media program related to basic microscope skills. Also, consider revisiting the media programs found in Week 1 Learning Resources. Carefully review…

NRNP 6552 Focused SOAP Note Template WK4

Episodic/Focused SOAP Note Template   Patient Information: Initials, Age, Sex, Race S. CC (chief complaint): This is a brief statement identifying why the patient is here in the patient’s own words, for instance, “headache,” not “bad headache for 3 days.”…

Week_4_NURS_6512_Skin Comprehensive SOAP Note Template

Week 4 Skin Comprehensive SOAP Note Template   Patient Initials: _______                 Age: _______                                   Gender: _______     SUBJECTIVE DATA:   Chief Complaint (CC):   History of Present Illness (HPI):   Medications:   Allergies:   Past Medical History (PMH):   Past…

Week_4_NURS_6512_Comprehensive SOAP Exemplar

Comprehensive SOAP Exemplar   Purpose of the Comprehensive SOAP exemplar: To demonstrate what each section of the SOAP note should include. Remember that Nurse Practitioners treat patients in a holistic manner and your SOAP note should reflect that premise.  …