Category Nursing

Focused SOAP Note Template

Focused SOAP Note Template   Patient Information: Initials, Age, Sex, Race S. CC (chief complaint): A brief statement identifying why the patient is here, stated in the patient’s own words (for instance “headache,” not “bad headache for 3 days”). HPI:…


PEPTIC ULCER DISEASE DUE TO HELYCOBACTER PYLORI. Instructions This is a soap note for a patient coming in with symptoms of peptic ulcer caused by h-pylori Primary diagnosis– h.pylori peptic ulcer Differential diagnosis– GERD, IBS,cholecystitis, pancreatitis References no older than…


SAMPLE FOCUS NOTE CHIEF COMPLAINT (C/C) “I have trouble breathing” HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS (HPI) 24-year-old single, domicile, Hispanic female presents to the Clinic with complain of difficulty breathing times 3 days. She reported her symptoms began with her having…


INFECTIOUS PNEUMONIA Instructions This SOAP note: Chief Complaint: 2 year old female comes in with mom with fever and productive cough for a week. Definite diagnosis: INFECTIOUS PNEUMONIA Differential diagnosis:  Infectious Pneumonia  Bronchiolitis Foreign Body Aspiration SOAP Note Cheat Sheet…


 PRAC_6665_Week7_Assignment2_Rubric Rubric Detail     Excellent Good Fair Poor Photo ID display and professional attire 5 (5%) – 5 (5%) Photo ID is displayed. The student is dressed professionally. 0 (0%) – 0 (0%) 0 (0%) – 0 (0%) 0 (0%) – 0 (0%) Photo ID is not displayed. Student must remedy…

PTSD: NRNP 6665: PMHNP Care Across the Lifespan I

Assignment 2 PTSD: Focused SOAP Note and Patient Case Presentation Psychiatric notes are a way to reflect on your practicum experiences and connect the experiences to the learning you gain from your weekly Learning Resources. Focused SOAP notes, such as…

PRAC 6665 Week7 Assignment2 Rubric

PRAC 6665 Week7 Assignment2 Rubric Name: PRAC_6665_Week7_Assignment2_Rubric   Excellent Good Fair Poor Photo ID display and professional attire 5 (5%) – 5 (5%) Photo ID is displayed. The student is dressed professionally. 0 (0%) – 0 (0%) 0 (0%) – 0 (0%) 0 (0%) – 0 (0%) Photo ID is not displayed.…

Evidence-Base Design: Nurs 6050: Week 7: Discussion 1

 Evidence Base in Design Instructions When politics and medical science intersect, there can be much debate. Sometimes anecdotes or hearsay are misused as evidence to support a particular point. Despite these and other challenges, however, evidence-based approaches are increasingly used…

Nurs 6050: Legislation Grid: Mental health

Legislation Grid: Mental health View the attachment for the Grid Template Many nurses encounter daily experiences that motivate them to take on an advocacy role in hopes of impacting policies, laws, or regulations that impact healthcare issues of interest. Of…